

“Some man achieved success because they are firmly convinced that lives could never be otherwise. Success gives them total fulfillment not even the smallest of gaps can let failure filter into their lives. This certainly thing is a lot like autosuggestion. In all circumstances, everything unfolds us if failure cannot possibly affect them, as if they are immunized against any kind of negative germ.”

Succeeding, achieving my objectives and making my dreams come through call for certainty. The certainty that I can find the means and inner strength to reach my goals. In the final analysis, in the battle of life, I must be able to rely on my self. I have to maintain the energy I find in new beginnings and I have to find a path that leads me to my ultimate goal. No one can give me self-confidence, not even the encouragement of my friends and my love ones. A mental outlook that excludes the possibility that I might fail or that I might give up is my best asset.  I have to believe in my self and I have to know that I will reach my objective no matter what life brings me. My result is to believe in myself and to trust the inner wisdom that tells me that I can reach my ultimate objective.

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